Tuesday, November 24, 2009

On Searching for Truth

My friend has has asked, or perhaps even prodded me, into challenging possible readers. To help people discover their truth, the truth, a truth, by giving them something to think about, and ponder, and to hope that people will comment on my posts, and equally give me something to ponder.

But I’m not sure that's enough. A challenge is something which can be denied, its a personal thing, you can choose to accept defeat, or pretend victory.
You can be victorious, and have no adversary. Ultimately the only thing that challenges you, is yourself.

What I want, what my ultimate goal is, is to sway you, to have that ultimate clarity to convince you, one way or the other, to put forward a perfect argument of logic, of emotion and of truth, that sways my audience, and for my audience to sway me, convince me of my errors, to teach me.

For to be swayed, one must be willing to accept that their truth, was not. To accept another's argument in favour of their own, and to accept that their own has been falsified.

To search for the truth, one must be willing to be swayed.
If no argument can tempt you, if you will not let logic persuade you, if you refuse yourself access to others ideas, by what possible means can you honestly be searching for truth.

Honesty is the key, without honestly opening your mind, the truth will never be yours.

Search for the Truth.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Question of Leadership

So I figured Id start with a question, a question about leadership. We've seen many bad leaders, and many terrible ones pass through the world in recent years, and very few who anyone would claim as good. They lie, they twist, they push their own agendas without looking at what is actually the best course of action.

And so I ask, can a leader who pushes his own viewpoints in every situation in which he has influence, without considering the possible effects of his statements, or looking at the actual research done in that area, ever be considered a good leader? Which I suppose brings with it the question, does a continuous stream of bad leadership in the same area make that person a bad leader in general, or just someone who should be ignored in that singular area? Haha, which then makes one wonder. If a leader can be so wrong, and stubborn in one aspect in which he chooses to lead, should he ever really be listened too at all. ( And make me realize, that every question seems to spark another, that may well provide an answer to the previous, simply by thinking of it.)

A stubborn and unthinking person, can often be right, but when it becomes clear just how little he seems to think, shouldn't people be running away from him completely, instead of extolling his leadership virtues in other areas??

I don't know. People make mistakes, they are after all only human.. One thing I am sure of, if you are a leader in a field, when your questioned about something, or somewhere, about which you have not really paid attention to the actual science.. Shut up. You run the risk of being human, and no one likes to see a leader who makes mistakes like the rest of us.

Update > Turns out a little birdy in my ear decided that this first post posed too many questions, and not enough answers. Which to be honest was the idea. But I offer this, to those who feel the same. Leaders aren't perfect, and NO leader has the right, or ability to make useful judgements in every aspect of our lives. I'd even go so far as to say, the best leaders are often those who know when to keep their mouths shut, and only lead when required. Everone hates a micro-manager.

The End.